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Most Common Pumping Problems and How We Troubleshoot and Repair Them

February 7, 2023

The pumps are put to use in a variety of different industrial contexts for fluid transmission. These pumps have straightforward designs, and their ease of operation contributes to their widespread use. Despite all of these features, these pumps are not infallible. They are also prone to failure, much like other industrial pumps. To guarantee that these pumps will work as expected, their installation and maintenance must be done correctly. If you have any issues with your pumps during their usage or installation, we can troubleshoot the issues and repair them more promptly. This article provides advice on diagnosing and fixing problems with pumps.

Very Low or Absent Pressure

There can be occasions when the pump has very little or no pressure. One possible explanation for these occurrences is that the RPM speed was insufficient. Pressure issues can manifest if the RPM speed drops below the required level. As a result of this circumstance, it is essential to readjust the number of pump rotations that occur per second to the value that is advised. If the pressure drops to zero or stays low even after adjusting the RPM, there may be a problem with the component known as the nozzle. If this happens, the RPM setting may not be accurate. After years of usage, the nozzle may get worn or even torn. During the examination, if you see any warning signals, it is best to either replace the nozzle or, if the pump is already broken, repair it, depending on the state of the pump.

Priming with Slow Water

This is the issue that customers experience the vast majority of the time. It's possible that the pump won't prime properly or draw water readily. There are potentially three primary explanations for the same:

Air Suction

The pipe or its fittings may start sucking air, which will cause the water to flow in the other direction. Pumping is slowed down, and most suction problems are attributable to loose fittings. Therefore, the complete suction line has to be inspected so the fittings can be checked to ensure they are correctly and firmly attached.

A Regulator in Pressure Mode

If you don't pay attention to the regulator, it can slip into pressure mode. This may slow down the water pumping. You must always adjust the regulator while in the "bypass" mode to fix it.

Excessive Vibrations

In the pump, this is one of the most frequently observable problems that can occur. The pump may exhibit abnormally high vibration levels or pulsation at certain points during its operation. This may be because the dampener is pulsating more than usual. After every 50 hours of performance, it is recommended that the pulsation be checked and the pressure be reset to correct the vibration.

Backpressure, an Increase in Cavitation, and a Shortening of the Time Needed for Maintenance

One of the primary contributors to increased backpressure, cavitation, and the amount of time spent on maintenance is fluid line restrictions. If you want to perform pump repair independently, here are some tips to help you determine where the fluid line restrictions are and how to fix them promptly.


The pumps used in industry are susceptible to leaking as well. When diagnosing problems with pumps, our company's pump troubleshooting experts usually recommend looking for both minor and severe leaks throughout the system. If you notice there is leaking, check to see that the components are in excellent functioning condition and that they are not so worn or damaged that they are beyond repair. When required, the components of the pump should be replaced with their original versions. Check to see that every fitting along the line is secured appropriately. The next step is to ensure that the pump's torque is set according to the requirements given in the pump handbook.

Parker Pumps

29B Ormond Rd., East Geelong VIC 3219

Phone: (03) 5229 7443

Email: sales@parkerpumps.com.au

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