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Effective Ways to Increase the Life of your Water Pumps

August 25, 2022

Pumps in your building, like nearly everything else you own, require routine maintenance if you want them to function correctly for an extended length of time. Pumps are often buried in walls and floors, making it easy for building owners to forget about them and not get them serviced regularly. Pump maintenance may save you thousands of dollars in repairs and replacements if your pumps fail and cease performing correctly.

A pump's lifespan can be extended while operating expenses are reduced and profit margins are increased by observing the advice in the following paragraphs.

Prevention Is Always Better Than C-ure

Regular pump maintenance might be neglected and only addressed when it becomes necessary as reactive maintenance. When the pump fails, it gets repaired. This technique carries the danger of halting an entire process while the pump is being fixed. If a pump malfunctions, the cost of doing routine maintenance should be compared to the cost of a system shutdown. Be aware that the cost of preventative maintenance is likely to be substantially lower than the cost of a repair. Any pump installation documentation should provide recommendations for how often it should be serviced.

Compatibility and Consistency in Material Design

If a pump is to last a long time, it must be built with the right materials. Particularly important when working with caustic liquids. In addition to the pump's body material, when it comes to the pump's various components such as shaft/bearing/mech seal materials, proper specifications must be made. Parker Pumps will always perform this work for you when proposing a pump.

Improper Piping Methods

Piping configuration may have an enormous impact on the pump's efficiency and operational performance. An inverted "U" on the suction side can trap air, whereas a 90-degree bend just before a pump can generate turbulence inside that device. Suction and cavitation difficulties might come from either. There should be at least a one-inch gap between pump intake and inlet pipework to avoid cavitation and maximise efficiency.

Don’t Let the Pump Run Dry

Regrettably, a pump might run empty due to faults that occur during the procedure. This can lead to an almost rapid breakdown of the seal in a mechanically sealed pump. To avoid catastrophic failure, some mag drive pumps now include bearings made of a specific material that can withstand the commencement of damage.

The pumped fluid is used as a lubricant between rotating and stationary components in typical working circumstances. The flowing liquid gradually removes the heat created by the revolution. When a pump is running low on liquid, the friction between the moving parts generates heat. Damage will occur as the temperature rises.

Running a mechanical seal pump dry might result in pump cavitation, which could destroy the seal. Mechanical seals are susceptible to heat stress and can break in as little as 30 seconds under the correct circumstances. Bearings and the shaft might get hot when using a mag-drive pump. Because there is no liquid lubrication, the plastic case melts.

It is possible to use Parker Pump products anywhere in the region. Make sure you let us know where you'll be and what kind of motor you'll need. After that, we'll be able to provide you with performance graphs based on the speed and voltage you specify. Contact us today!

Parker Pumps

29B Ormond Rd., East Geelong VIC 3219

Phone: (03) 5229 7443

Email: sales@parkerpumps.com.au

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