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How to Keep Your Backyard Pump from Freezing this Winter?

June 28, 2021

Depending on where you live, the winter conditions in your garden and backyard pumps could be very different. A solid four seasons brings ice and frost when the days grow short. The ground turns white and water-filled hoses rupture. How do you prevent the freezing of your backyard pump in the winter? First of all, the race is on to drain the backyard before the temperature level drops significantly.

Supplementary Work Steps

The goal is to drain the water and winterize the backyard pump. However, before lowering the level of the swimming backyard, consider treating the water. Reset every chemical characteristic of the fluid so that the concealed pipe work isn't troubled by powdery alkaline films and chlorate deposits during the winter months. Arguably, this PH neutralising step can be skipped, but a proper winterizing strategy should certainly take care of water conditioning before that water level is lowered.

Backyard Pump Winterizing

Once the backyard chemistry is neutral, drain the backyard until its level is below the skimmer aperture. Curiously, you're not completely emptying the pump, why not? Well, if you wholly empty that big concrete sink, the concrete can bulge as the soil springs back. Tiles crack and the damage is done. Keep the water level at 40 to 45-cm. Next, the backyard pump can't be left with standing water.

At best, the unhealthy fluid remnant could spread bacteria on opening day. At worst, the water will expand as it cools. As it hardens, turns to ice, the pump impeller and its associated connections will incur physical damage. They will split. Pull the drain plugs from the pump. Consult the manual if you're not sure where these drainage ports are located. In order to ensure the water is fully drained, run the pump for no more than a few seconds, or blow the fluid out with an industrial vacuum cleaner, one that's been set to blow, of course.

The last dregs of water drip from the filter, the outlet lines are clean and dry, and the skimmer basket is debris-free. Unplug or electrically isolate the backyard pump, place the winterizing cover on the swimming backyard, and follow a similar procedure for your garden sprinkler system. Backyard pump or garden hose, sprinkler system or basement plumbing pipes, all water-powered pipes experience expansion when the winter hits hard. Unless the pipes are clad in a thick insulated jacket, the pipes in your garden are at risk. Fortunately, your swimming backyard pump is dry and ready for the winter chill.

Parker Pumps

29B Ormond Rd., East Geelong VIC 3219

Phone: (03) 5229 7443

Email: sales@parkerpumps.com.au

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