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Things You Need to Know When Choosing a Pond Pump

January 10, 2022

A pond can be the perfect way to dress up your property. Whether you want to install your koi pond or even a fountain, you can make the most out of the situation with a great water pump. Unfortunately, selecting the ideal water pump involves taking stock of many details. Today, we will walk you through what you need to know when choosing a pond pump.

Let us begin our discussion by taking stock of your water feature. With the typical water feature, you want to be circulating a modest amount of water at, essentially, all times. You need something with power, but not something with too much power. Are you starting to understand why people get confused when buying pumps? With that as our heading, we can now begin our approach to purchasing the right pump.

Why Garden Pond Pumps Matter

At first, a new garden grotto is a pleasing water feature. The damp air freshens the grass and nearby bushes. It reinvigorates your work-frazzled mind and acts as a dynamic centrepiece. All of this is true, but there's more. The pump aerates the water so the tiny plants and animals can breathe. It stops the fluid from becoming a standing pool of unhealthy muck, a place where bacteria will grow, and flies will buzz. Now, while it's true that a fountain is meant as an aesthetically appealing water feature, it still requires a capable pump. Again, this powerful water impeller ensures the fluid is aerated and free of water spawned contaminants.

Watching Fountain Pumps Gush and Gurgle

The water rises above the expeller nozzle, flies a metre free, before coursing back into a basin as a whitecapped foam. The pump is working as it should. All nasty anaerobic bacteria have been ousted because of the fast-flowing current. Odours are gone, the water is blue, not brown and brackish. But how do we select a fountain pump that follows this active discharge pattern? Unlike the waterfall, it's not enough to push the water up an incline or raised tube so that gravity can take over. First of all, is the pump submersible? It's a sealed and waterproof package, an impeller and electric motor, but so is the out-of-fountain model. Lift height and head height are the next features to weigh. Practically speaking, the head height makes sure the water reaches the discharge nozzle. That's an important feature. But don't forget the lift height, the discharge feature that decides the height of the fountain's gushing stream.

Pump types and litre per hour discharge rates are key. In the garden pond example, for instance, the headwater expelled will accommodate the width of the waterfall. That's a different metric from discharge height, yet it's every bit as important in the final scheme of things.]

With the typical water feature, you want to be circulating a modest amount of water at, essentially, all times. It means that you will need something with power, but not something that has too much power.

Parker Pumps

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